Thursday, November 21, 2002

Studying The Process Is Better Than Studying The Result...

"..studying the evolution of great software designs will be more valuable than studying the great designs themselves. For it is in the evolution that the real wisdom lies. The structures that result from the evolution can help you, but without knowing why they were evolved into a design, you’re more likely to misapply them or over-engineer with them...." --Joshua Kerievsky, Refactoring To Patterns

I like this idea so much...

And, that's also applicable to these:
- Berusaha menjadi kaya (dan akhirnya kaya) lebih menyenangkan daripada tiba-tiba kaya.
- Menyaksikan seorang anak tumbuh, lebih berarti daripada melihat anak itu tiba-tiba besar.
- Ngejer-ngejer cewek lebih mengasyikkan daripada tiba-tiba mau jadi cewek gue.
- Nungguin beduk buka puasa lebih seru daripada tidur terus tiba-tiba buka.
- Dikejer-kejer kecoa terbang lebih menegangkan daripada tiba-tiba ditemplokin kecoak.